

The French Section of Médecins Sans Frontiéres is recruiting for its project in Jahun:


 Médecins Sans Frontiéres is a private, non-profit international humanitarian organization dedicated to providing medical assistance to populations in crisis, without discrimination and regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation.


·        Ensure all drugs, material and equipment are available at the beginning and end of the shift to enable work to be performed safely;
·        Maintain accurate data and record information in OPD register and/or patient at all times;
·        Document all care thoroughly and ensure continuity of care through handover;
·        Ensure health education on a regular basis to the inpatients;
·        Apply waste management protocols correctly (use Bin system correct);
·        Follow standard precautions and Procedure of Accidental Blood Exposure
·        Maintain the ward in a clean and hygienic state.


·        Midwifery qualification with minimum of 1 year of active clinical experience since graduation;
·        Strong work ethic, commitment to humanitarian objectives and patient care:
·        Motivation, flexibility and capacity to work as a team and in emergency program;  
·        Fluent in spoken and written English and Hausa (preferably).


Jahun Hospital, Jigawa State (Nigeria).


208 hours per month. Availability for shifts up to 12 hours, night or day is required.


Monthly Gross salary of N 141,231. (One hundred forty-one thousand two hundred and thirty-one naira only)


Submit your CV, copies of nursing qualifications and a cover letter with contact to
Admin' Office in Jahun ("Application Box" at the Watchmen Desk). (With Reference "MIDWIFE")

Applications can be submitted in person or by email to: msff-jahun-recruitment@paris.msf.org

Deadline for the submission of applications: 6th January 2017

Please make sure to submit your application by this date.

NB: only successful applicants will be called for interview.


The French Section of Médecins Sans Frontiéres is recruiting for its project in Jahun:

Health Promotion / lnformation-Education-Communication (HP/IEC) Supervisor

 Médecins Sans Frontiéres is a private, non-profit international humanitarian organization dedicated to providing medical assistance to populations in crisis, without discrimination and regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation.

Implement and supervise educational activities/campaigns to increase awareness of the targeted population to promote prevention and seek early consultation in the health facilities in the project area, in close collaboration with the Outreach Activity Manager  
  • ·        Health Promotion.
  • ·        Networking with stakeholders involved in mother and child care.  
  • ·        Advocacy and community mobilization.

  • ·        In close collaboration with the Outreach Manager: participation to the definition and update of the communication/lEC strategy
  • ·        Participate in identification of indicators in order to monitor HP activities, results, achievement and use the concrete tools to measure and follow up those activities   Networking with stakeholders involved in mother and child care
  • ·        Design messages for a targeted audience, with guidance from Outreach manager, medical team leader, project coordinator.
  • ·        Implement activities of health education and awareness (women group or association, sessions in schools, community, government offices, or any other) Advocacy and community mobilization for improved involvement in mother and child care

  • ·        Public Health background/medical background
  • ·  Previous experience in the field of Community mobilization, Health promotion needed.
  • ·        Communication skills with people from broadly diverse backgrounds.
  • ·        Fluent in spoken and written English and Hausa
  • ·        Flexibility in tasks and working hours.

Jigawa State (Nigeria).

208 working hours per month.

Monthly Gross salary of N213,231. (Two hundred thirteen thousand two hundred and thirty one naira only)

Submit your C V, copies of diplomas, qualifications and a cover letter with contact details to the MSF Admin' Office in Jahun ("Application Box" at the Watchmen Desk). With reference (HP/IEC Supervisor)
Applications can be submitted in person or by email to: msff-jahun-recruitment@paris.msf.org 

Deadline for the submission of applications: 3 rd January 2017

Please make sure to submit your application on or before this date.

NB: only SUCCeSSfUl applicants will be called for interview.

Notice: No monetary transactions. neither demands of favours in kind, nor other types of tavouritism will be tolerated in the recruitment process.

MSF reserves the right to refuse hiring of a candidate having benefitted from such acts. All illicit demands of these types may be pursued through the judicial system.

Adolescent Pregnancy

Pregnant Teen
Adolescent or teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in under the age of 20.

Adolescent pregnancies occur in most parts of the world but a higher percentage are in developing countries. 

The average adolescent pregnancy and birth rate in middle-income countries is more than twice as high as that in high-income countries, with the rate in low-income countries being five times as high.

Note: a girl can become pregnant from sexual intercourse after she has begun to ovulate which can be before menarche, but usually occurs after the start of her periods.

Half of all adolescent births occur in just seven countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria and the United States (WHO, 2016)

Risks associated with adolescent pregnancy include:

  • ·        Low Birth Weight
  • ·        Premature Labor
  • ·        Anemia
  • ·        Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia
  • ·        Obstructed Labour
  • ·        UGF (Uro-Genital Fistulas)
  • ·        Post-Partum Haemorrhage
  • ·        Depression

Adolescent pregnancies can be reduced with education where both the individual and her family are made aware of the health and social implications.

 Michael Akaka, 2016. Adolescent Pregnancy. ©Knightmode

Who Says Nurses Can't...

Nurse Questions
And who dare says nurses can’t be both beautiful and gorgeous just because they are busy attending to the patient’s needs?

It may be true that a day is not enough when you are a nurse especially if you are to make the double shift and the hospital is fully packed with patients coming in and out. But this isn’t a reason enough for nurses to neglect their own health and beauty.

Follow these skin care tips to make you look stunning:

  • ·       Tone your muscle and skin with facials and body massages. This doesn’t mean you have to go to the salon or spa every week. A simple massage for 15 minutes is good enough.

  • ·       Exfoliate even twice a week to help renew skin and lessen visible discoloration and fine lines. It will help remove oil and dirt on pores, preventing breakouts on skin.

  • ·       Use sunscreen with UVB/UVA sun protection. Apply this even when it’s cloudy or raining to prevent premature aging.

  • ·  Stay away from negative vibes! Stress is a major cause of wrinkles. Remain calm, pamper yourself, do breathing exercises or yoga to relieve yourself of stress and negativity.

  • ·       Keep yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of water and add lemon for vitamin boost and antioxidants.

  • ·       Cleanse your skin every day. Wash your face every morning and put on moisturizer or sunblock. Be sure to remove makeup too before going to bed.

  • ·       Exercise regularly. Though the everyday walking and standing on the shift at the hospital is exhausting, it is a must that a regular exercise is practice. A 30-minute workout will do, as this will help in blood circulation and prevent skin sagging as well.

Of course, these tips should be accompanied with the right diet, exercise and enough rest for a nurse to be radiant despite the ‘busy mode’ environment at the healthcare institution

Smiling Nurse
