Support to Training on Advance Life Saving for Ambulance Operation- Nigeria

Support to Training on Advance Life Savings for Ambulance operations Nigeria
Plan International was founded over 75 years ago with a mission to promote and protect the rights of children.

The organisation was set up by British journalist John Langdon-Davies and refugee worker Eric Muggeridge in 1937, with the original aim to provide food, accommodation and education to children whose lives had been disrupted by the Spanish Civil War.
Langdon-Davies conceived the idea of a personal relationship between a child and a sponsor – a model that puts the child at the centre, and remains the core of what we do.

Terms of Reference (ToR)
Bauchi Opportunities for Responsive Neonatal and maternal health (BORN) 
Support to Training on Advance Life Savings for Ambulance operations

Purpose of the Assignment:
The Bauchi Opportunities for Responsive Neonatal and Maternal Health (BORN) project is a four and a half year (February 2016-June 2020) gender-transformative project funded by Global Affairs Canada. The project is expected to ultimately contribute to the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality in 10 Local Government Areas (LGAs) among marginalized and vulnerable women and newborns. Its intermediate outcomes are: improved utilization of maternal, neonatal and family planning services by women of reproductive age (WRA) including adolescent girls, newborns, and male community members; improved quality of maternal, neonatal and family planning services for WRA including adolescent girls, newborns and male community members; and, improved quality of local health governance systems to ensure high quality, gender responsive, adolescent friendly and results-oriented maternal and neonatal health, and sexual and reproductive health (MNH/SRH) services. Plan International Canada is implementing BORN in partnership with Plan International Nigeria, the Federal and State Ministries of Health, Ministries of Women’s Affairs, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) (Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN) and Community initiative for the Promotion of Health and Education Sectors (CIPHRESS)). BORN is aligned with the UN’s Every Woman Every Child Global Strategy on Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health, and will help drive progress towards reaching Sustainable DevelopmentGoals  This project will respond to health needs identified by the 2013 National Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) situational analysis of Bauchi state, which reported that only 16% of births are attended by a skilled birth attendant, access to postnatal care remains low as 84% of newborns receive no post-natal care; and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) stands at 43/1000 live births. Furthermore, only 2.1% of WRA utilize modern family planning methods, with unmet needs for FP at 16%. In addition, 48% of adolescent girls aged 15 -19 years old have begun childbearing in Bauchi. There are also considerable gender inequalities contributing to this context, as women and adolescent girls have little opportunity for decision making at the household level, poor access to health information and services, and local health services are not gender responsive and adolescent friendly.

As part of the processes for ensuring realization of the intermediate outcomes, the BORN project in partnership with the Federal and state Ministry of health and other stakeholders, plans to build the capacity of health workers in three General hospitals in Bauchi state. This will be on Advance Life Saving skills to improve on their capacity to manage emergency ambulance services especially in response to basic and comprehensive emergency neonatal and obstetrics needs in the catchment area for each of the General hospitals. To achieve this, the BORN project plans to build a cohort of staff from each of the General hospitals and the 4 Primary health care centers within the catchment area.

The facilities are:
Name of LGA Name of BEmONC facilities Name of CEmONC facilities
Dass PHC Yelwa PHC Wundi, PLC Polchi Town maternity General Hospital Dass Gamawa PHC Gadiya PHC Gololo PHC Mainuwa PHC Udubo General Hospital Gamawa Darazo PHC Papa PHC Sade Comprehensive HC Kasan Iyah Aisha Isah Under 55 clinic
General Hospital Darazo

The cohort will include:
Doctor Midwives, nurses and CHEW Pharmacist Driver PHC staff from 4 PHC in each catchment Total per cohort
General Hospital
Dass 1 5 1 2 4 13
General Hospital
Darazo 1 5 1 2 4 13
General Hospital
Gamawa 1 5 1 2 4 13
Total 3 15 3 6 12 39

Training methodology
The training methodology will follow the standard methodology based on approved American Health Association or other nationally or internationally recognized training manual on Advanced Life Saving manuals for ambulance operations. The training will be done using presentations, group discussions, stimulations, life practices and pre – post test questionnaire to ensure a competency based training leading to certification.
The training should include:
1. Basic Life Saving course
2. Advanced Life Saving course
3. Pediatric Advanced Life Saving
4. Obstetric Advanced Life Saving course
The training should also discuss operational challenges and agree on a work plan to implementing the ambulance operations.
Note: The drivers and PHC staff will only attend the Basic Life Course

2. Deliverables, Time Frame and Level of Effort
The period of the contract is highlighted below:
  • Deliverables Expected Time Frame
  • Meeting with Plan international and SMoH 15th June 2017
  • Roll out of the training
  • 18th to 27th June 2017
  • Submission of final report, including all other materials to
  • Plan International Nigeria
  • 29th June 2017

Plan International Nigeria places a high premium on CHILD PROTECTION issues in all its working relationships with its partners and associates and mandates all its working partners and associates to adhere to its CHILD PROTECTION Policy. As such, the activity must ensure appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation; a process of free and un-coerced consent and withdrawal; confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Consultants are required to provide a statement within their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child protection in the development process. This must also include consideration of any risks related to the activity and how these will be mitigated.

Disclosure of Information/Child Protection
It is understood and agreed that the Consultant(s) shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Plan, any information obtained in the course of the performance of the Contract. Information will be
made available for the consultants on a need-to-know basis. Any necessary field visits must be budgeted for in your proposal. Plan staff under the coordination of the National Program Manager will support the consultant in facilitating all necessary engagements required by the Consultant. The selected consultant will commit to respect Plan’s Child Protection Policy to prevent any harm from participating children and youth.

The Consultant and partners declares and guarantees that no offer, gift or payment, consideration or benefit of any kind, which constitutes an illegal or corrupt practice, has been or will be made to anyone by the Consultant either directly or indirectly, as an inducement or reward for the award or execution of this agreement. The Consultant declares and guarantees that neither Consultant, nor partners or associates,
temporary nor permanent, would be involved in the implementation of this agreement:
a) Have been convicted during a period of three (3) years prior to the submission of their proposals for this project, by a court of law in Nigeria or in any other jurisdiction for an offence involving bribery or corruption
b) Are under sanction, for an offence involving bribery or corruption, imposed by a government, a governmental organization or a development organization providing development assistance

The Consultant or partners declares and guarantees that the funds provided by Plan International Nigeria for the service shall not be knowingly be used to benefit terrorist groups as defined in the criminal code of Nigeria or individual members of those groups or for terrorist activities either directly or indirectly

Plan International Nigeria has a Code of Conduct including a Whistle Blower Policy (attached) and enjoins its entire staff and associates to “whistle blow” (raise legitimate concerns about violation of the Code of Conduct without fear of recrimination in the course of their engagement with Plan International Nigeria).

Method of Application
A completed application should contain the following:
  • Detailed proposal demonstrating technical expertise and previous
  • experience in coordinating and facilitating activities of a similar nature;
  • All proposals must state the content of each course to be provided;
  • Availability to commence work immediately.
  • Total cost including course fee and other details
Names and contact information of three references who can be contacted regarding relevant experience. The proposal will be scored on both technical and financial aspects weighted at 70% and 30% respectively.

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